Tips For Spot Treating A Pimple

As much as we all love popping pimples, IDEALLY, the best solution for treating a pimple is calming it, killing the bacteria and dissolving dirt/dead skin cells so it dissipates and goes away. The last thing you want is a dry, scabby, wound on your face from popping it which can leave behind a scar, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (brown pigmentation) or post-inflammatory erythema (dilated blood vessels).

Keep in mind what works for one person may not another and different types of acne respond to treatments differently. It's a bit of trial and error for each individual.

Hydrocolloid Patch

These little patches gently absorb pus, oil & dirt from a whitehead. In addition, they protect your "wound" & many contain other acne-fighting ingredients. Hero Cosmetics Mighty Patch Original, CosRX Acne Pimple Master Patch and if you are looking for an acne patch with salicylic acid the Hero Cosmetics Mighty Patch Micropoint for Blemishes is A+.

Ice Roller

The coolness of an ice roller can greatly reduce the size, calms the redness and help soothe pain.

Salicylic Acid

Known to be anti-inflammatory as well as penetrates into the pore to dissolve oil, dirt and dead skin cells. Ideal for blackheads/whiteheads. Murad Rapid Relief Acne Spot Treatment is really great or you can just dab on some Paula’s Choice 2% BHA Liquid if it’s a product you already use.

Benzoyl Peroxide

Ideal for inflammatory acne like papules, pustules and cysts. Dr. Zenovia 5% Benzoyl Peroxide Acne Spot Treatment


Helps to kill bacteria and calms inflammation. GREAT for acne associated with rosacea and it’s one of the few spot treatments that is pregnancy safe. Sunday Riley Saturn Sulfur Spot Treatment and Skin Authority makes a calming face mask which you can use all over or dab on as a spot treatment.

Warm Compress

For acne that won't come to a head applying a warm compress to your pimple will help it either go away or come to a head and release pus. Warm compress + hydrocolloid patch = 👍


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